Tuesday 9 February 2016

Chapter 13

Ling's POV

I spent the majority of my time in the hospital next to Luhan. He didn't really need to be in the hospital, but the company had thought it a good idea to keep him there longer for publicity reasons.

One morning I had decided to go over early right after EXO had left for their schedules. I snuck out of the dorm and made my way to the hospital under Zhang-ge's guidance over text. When I arrived, Luhan was still sleeping. I sat and watched him sleep, eventually falling asleep myself with my head on his bed.

When I woke up, Luhan was stroking my hair.

"Good morning," He beamed at me.

I flushed red and sat up straight next to him. "H-how's your wrist."

He shrugged at me. "It's fine, I hate how I'm just stuck here."

He got out of bed and walked around the room stretching. He stopped in front of the rows of flowers given by his fans. "If only they knew why I'm still in the hospital."

"Oh," I got a lunch box from my bag. "I made you lunch."

He turned in surprise. "For me? You shouldn't have."

He made his way to me and took the lunch box with no hesitation. "Tell you what Ling, I've been getting sick of the food here. I mean it's good and all but..."

I watched him look at the contents hungrily and take an egg roll.

"Wow, you can really cook." He looked at me, eyes wide.

"I worked at a small restaurant before. I can cook really well."

"Perfect wife material."

I blushed profusely and shook my head, my heart feeling like its going to beat out of my chest. "No, no."

He laughed my reaction. "So you're the ring girl huh? Sehun couldn't stop talking about you last night on the phone."

I looked at him surprised. "Really? I'm not that interesting."

"He told me how you resolved his argument with Xiumin."

I blushed.

"I have to say, you're doing really well as his ring girl."

"No, Sehun's just immature," I explained. "He didn't understand why Xiumin went to see you without telling him. I mean Xiumin's just trying to protect him you know, and he just didn't understand."

Luhan smiled at me and said nothing.

I stared back. "What?"

"You're fond of him," Luhan's smile widened into a smirk. "You like Xiumin."

My heart flew out of my chest and I felt my eyes widen in shock.

How could you say that to me, when it's plainly obvious that the one I like is you.

"You're so cute when ur embarrassed." Luhan ruffled my hair and stuffed the past of the lunch in his mouth. 
"It was delicious thank you."

Mid afternoon, Xiumin arrived at the room with a basket of fruits. He stopped when he saw me.

"Ling, what are you doing here, why aren't you at home?"

"What are you doing here, don't you have schedules?" I retorted back.

Xiumin waved a hand at me. "It's over for the day."

He sat down next to me and looked at Luhan. "Fruit basket for you from your fans. I picked it up at the front desk."

"Oh thanks," Luhan put it on the bedside table. "Did you bring me anything?"

Xiumin stared blankly at him as he chuckled. "Ling brought me a lunch box, where's your present?"

Xiumin stared at me for a moment then back at Luhan. "Lu-ge, I'm here, what more do you need?"

Luhan laughed and pulled me closer to him. "I have Ling, I don't need you."

I felt his chin on my head as he held me around my shoulders and my heart just couldn't take it anymore.


Xiumin's POV

I was jealous. Jealous of the lunch she made for him and jealous of their relationship. The way Ling looked at me was nothing compared to the way she looked at Luhan.

I watched as he jokingly pulled her into a hug, her face turning red and his not.

It's so obvious that he doesn't like you that way, Ling.

I grabbed Ling and pulled her out of his grip.

"You should go home," I muttered to her.

She looked at me confused. "What why?"

So I don't have to watch you and Luhan.

"Our manager is coming later, and if he sees you, there'll be talk."

Luhan nodded in agreement. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Ling frowned and walked out of the room without looking back.

"Jerks." She said before she closed the door and I couldn't help but smile.

"How's your wrist doing," I asked Luhan.

"Fine," he smirked at me and leaned forward. "Let me tell you something, brother."

I leaned in.

"I think Ling likes you."

I snapped and stood up glaring down at him. "Let me tell you something, if you think I'm going to lose against you, you are wrong."

He stared at me with a lost expression. "What? What are we competing for?"

I cried out in frustration. He doesn't even know, he's always so oblivious and it is really pissing me off.

I glared at him again and waved it off. "Never mind, let's talk about something else."

We listened to music and talked about his concert for the rest of the afternoon. Around 7, the rest of EXO filed into the room. We all yelled excitedly at each other waiting for the camera man and the managers arrival to shoot our next scene with Luhan. Naturally, he was not excited for the shoot. Luhan was the only one out of all of us to have a script. The managers couldn't risk him letting slip something as he was no longer in EXO.

I watched as Sehun and Chen tried to cheer him up with new jokes they've learned. He smiled weakly back at them and eventually the two of them gave up deciding it was best to just give him some space.

The cameramen arrived first with our makeup artist. I couldn't help but glance at Luhan as they brushed his soft dyed gray hair. His face looked grim as he read over the script the cameraman gave him.

Without warning the door to the room slammed open and our manager stormed in. He slammed his hand on the table.

"Xiumin, that friend of yours from China," he bellowed at me and I jumped. "What is her name?"

I blinked.

"What happened?" Luhan left his bed and joined us around the table.

"Oh great, you know her too?" Our manager was fuming in anger. "And all of you know her as well."

All of EXO bowed their head in confusion.

"Great, great, that's wonderful, then do tell me." He paused to take a breath. "How do I explain this situation to your fans?"

He pointed at a picture on his phone. I moved closer to take a look.

The photo was taken at the hospital and Ling stood at the center of the members, not including me. Sehun stood in front of her and Chen had his arm around her shoulders. She was smiling and her fingers were in Sehun's blonde hair, stroking it back.

He scrolled the page to reveal more pictures and I felt my mouth drop.

One of them was a picture of Ling in her blue blouse and me in my sunglasses walking in the mall with our coffees.

Beside me, Sehun stared at the photo of the two of them walking together at night.


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